Two things I’ve been thinking deeply about: Why, in the U.S.A., are there so many families who struggle to afford something as basic as diapers? Why do we often feel discouraged about our ability to help improve the lives of our neighbors, those within our local communities who are struggling? On the one hand, the answers are nuanced and complex. On the other hand, the answers are simple: It is never easy to look at ourselves in the mirror. It is comforting (at least in the short term) to believe that someone else is taking care of it - or is better equipped to do so.
Help a Mother Out was founded on the simple idea that we are all in this together. As a community benefit organization that serves low-income families, a disproportionate number of whom are BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color), being an ally is in our DNA.
"He used to carry me on his back all the time ... It was like you were up in the sky, like an airplane." - Gianna Floyd
Artwork by Dev Heyrana - check out more of her amazing work here.
Black Lives Matter. George Floyd’s life mattered. So did the lives of Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery and countless other Black Americans who fell victim to violent expressions of racism.
In this time of grief and uncertainty, we recognize that the inequities in our communities result in individuals and families experiencing poverty (in need of diapers, food, housing, healthcare, education). This is a direct result of systemic racism.
We are committed to doing the work. In practical terms, HAMO commits to:
Continue to expand diaper access in communities of color through local partners including Black Infant Health (BIH), the Fatherhood Initiative, and minority-led organizations who are trusted within the communities they serve.
Conceive and implement an official DEIB (diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging) policy, so that anti-racist ideals are further embedded within HAMO’s organizational structure and programs, regardless of the future composition of staff, leadership and the board.
Cultivate a culture of belonging where BIPOC actively participate in our community as donors, volunteers, advocates, staff and board members.
This is a painful time of reckoning for our country. Thank you for doing the work with us. Thank you for making a difference in the lives of so many. Read on for our Crib Notes.
In solidarity,
Lisa Truong
Founder, Executive Director
“The great force of history comes from the fact that we carry it within us, are unconsciously controlled by it in many ways, and history is literally present in all that we do.”
~ James Baldwin
Crib Notes
We made our goal! Thank you to everyone who donated to our COVID-19 rapid response fundraising campaign. Together we raised $140,400. Since SIP, we have distributed 2,600,843 diapers, thanks to you!
May 2020 distributions: We distributed 742,094 diapers in the month of May! Click here for a list of our distribution partners.
Thank you to core partners, Alameda County Public Health Department! In addition to continuing to serve their existing clients via programs like Nurse Family Partnership and Black Infant Health, they are now also providing diapers to community members who are in quarantine/isolation due to a COVID-19 diagnosis.
Parenting in uncertain times: Thank you to everyone who attended our virtual town hall with Dr. Allison Briscoe-Smithon 5/26. Here is what one of our attendees said: “Thank you for making the space to have this event. I left feeling I learned something new and connected with a great group!” We hope to host similar events later this year. Got ideas? Contact
Thank you Seven Stills: Thank you to SF based Seven Stills for donating 21 bottles of hand sanitizer. Click here for our IG photo.
Anti-racist resources:
Talking About Race (National Museum of African American History and Culture, Smithsonian)
How companies and individuals can use Juneteenth to practice active allyship (Fast Company)
5 Tips for being an ally (3 minute video, YouTube)
Understanding my privilege (Tedx, 12 minute video)
Resources from Dr. Allison Briscoe-Smith
African American History:
The Civil War and Reconstruction Era, 1845-1877 (FREE course)
African American History: From Emancipation to the Present (FREE course)
Parenting resources:
How Can I Stay Positive for My Kids When I’m So Overwhelmed? (Greater Good)
Supporting Children During Coronavirus (National Child Traumatic Stress Network)