Small Business Saturday: @CottonBabies #hamo — Help a Mother Out

Small Business Saturday: @CottonBabies #hamo

Unless you’ve totally unplugged from the interwebz, you’ve probably heard about Small Business Saturday. I thought it would be a great opportunity to highlight a small business owner who is changing the world by changing millions of diapers across America.

If you’ve ever considered cloth diapering, you probably know about bumGenius diapers. The maker of these wonderful cloth diapers is Jenn Labit from Cotton Babies. The mom-owned enterprise is headquartered in St. Louis, Missouri.

Earlier this year, HAMO was contacted by Cotton Babies since they had seen one of my tweets mentioning one of our partner agencies could use cloth diapers and that we were on the hunt from donated product. From that tweet they reached out and offered us a donation of 20 Econobum kits. Of course, we were so grateful and said yes!

The 20 kits were distributed to APA Family Support Services, which works with families in San Francisco’s Chinatown. I got our friends at Natural Resources to schedule a cloth diapering training at APA and the recipient families were very grateful for the donation.

I recently learned that Cotton Babies has been working to distribute their Econobum product in local community neighborhoods. And now their taking this initiative one step further. This holiday season they’re asking customers to purchase diaper kits for a family in need.

I was so touched by Jenn’s story, of how she and her husband built Cotton Babies, and also inspired by their initiative to diaper needy babies with cloth. While the  majority of the families we currently serve are unable cloth diaper this certainly doesn’t mean there are countless families who’s current circumstances would allow them to practice cloth diapering.

As I’ve said previously, there is room enough in this cause for all kinds of diapering. I was thrilled to learn about this new initiative from this totally awesome small business. If you’re considering going the cloth diapering route for your own family, I recommend you check out Cotton Babies’ many options.

This post is not sponsored by any company, large or small. I am merely thankful Cotton Babies has supported HAMO’s mission with in kind product, and wanted to share this fantastic new initiative with you all. We love to support small business and also mom-owned enterprises, we hope you do too!
