SF Style Counselors Help a Mother Out!

When we first started planning our upcoming SF-based anniversary party for HAMO, I sent out an email to everyone I knew to see who might help with the planning of the event. My email was passed on and on, and ended up in the inbox of someone I’d never met before.

Buffy replied to my request, and asked how she could help. With a young child under the age of one, she completely understood how important this diaper issue is but like many people, did not realize how people were not able to receive the diapers they need with the current system. We met up for coffee in the Mission, talked about the event and brainstormed ideas. She also suggested that an upcoming women’s get-together that she was helping to coordinate with her friend Kelly could help out, just by asking for small donations from all of the attendees. Lisa and I thought that sounded like a great idea, and the party raised over $350 towards the purchase of diapers for SF/Bay Area moms and kids.

Lisa took a photo of all of the diapers that money was able to purchase… over 1968 diapers in total! 15 cases of diapers went to our partner Homeless Prenatal (HPP) in Potrero Hill, and another 8 cases went to APA in Chinatown.

This unexpected windfall, and also the incredible generosity of the women who contributed at Buffy and Kelly’s event, was so incredibly appreciated by our partners and the moms who they help. Thank you all for your continued enthusiasm and energy in making the diapers happen!