Playdate For a Cause = 17K Diapers

Photo credit: Travis Jensen (

Big thanks to everyone who came out to our May 2nd Playdate for a Cause event in San Francisco.  We had about 60 families attend and raised enough funds and in kind donations to net 17,000 diapers. That’s 2K more diapers than we collected last year during the entire month of May!

Photo credit: Travis Jensen (

Our hostess for the afternoon, Whitney Moss of Rookie Moms, held court in the main Peekadoodleplace space, welcoming our guests including local bloggers Wendy of WendoloniaKelly Tirman, and Lizzie of LizzieBtv, who covered our event with this video:

The Playdate would not have even happened if it were not for the  mobilizing efforts of our very ownJulie Michelle, Buffy Robyn Kinstle, and Whitney Moss.  Seriously folks, you have NO IDEA how much work these three put into this event.

Amber of Wizbang Photography totally knocked our socks off with the photobooth, while Travis Jensen shot action photos (see our Flickr set for more) of toddlers rockin’ out their sugar high from all the cupcake decorating.

Photo credit: Travis Jensen (

More troops who volunteered include Kate Skogen, Helene Kwong, Amy Martin, and Sarah Wall – all of whom, we suspect, went home exhausted from the toddler and preschooler mayhem.

To everyone who donated their time and expertise into making this benefit a success, as well as to all the families who came out to support our cause (as well as the ones who couldn’t be there but donated anyway!), we are grateful for all that you have done and continue to do to help HAMO along.

For those who missed out on the fun, there’s still time to contribute!

Donate online or in person by May 31st.

A word about our supporters:

The Playdate wouldn’t have been nearly a smashing success were it not for our generous sponsors and raffle donors. Thank you so much for enabling us to throw a rockin diaper drive benefit and celebrate our 1 year anniversary.

Main sponsor: Huggies (big hugs for continuing the support our cause! They also sent over a massive donation of diapers, wipes, and baby toiletries for our partners!)

Presenting sponsor: Peekadoodle KidsClub (our friends are a real class act peeps!)

In Kind Gold Sponsors: BiRite MarketAidell’s SausageOrganic Valley, and Method Home.

Disclosure: I personally buy product for my household from each of these excellent businesses– how swell they wanted to support HAMO! No one paid me to say any of this!

Additional sponsors and raffle donors:

Burt’s Bees

Dolores Park Pilates

Earth Baby

Honest Teas

Jen Knight

Kate Skogen, JetKat Design

Jody at Park Salon

Julie Michelle, Femme Fotographie


Mary’s Gone Crackers

Mighty Leaf Teas

Movement Lab SF

Mrs. Meyers

Natural Resources

Plum Organics

Rebecca Smith, Relaxmith

Revolution Foods

St. Clement Wine

The Sak

Whitney Moss, Rookie Moms

Amber Dubya, Wizbang Photography