How To Help A Mother Out This Holiday Season

It is going to be a rough season for many families. Foodclothing, and toys are the usual items requested to help make this time of year a little less stressful.

This holiday season we’d like to throw our grassroots campaign into the mix by reminding you all to donate diapers – wherever you are.

If you are in the Bay Area you can donate in person at any one of our drop bin locations. Next time you are at the big box store, pick up a pack or case of generic diapers (HIGHEST need are sizes 4-6 & pull ups).

If you are in the Los Angeles area, we hope you can join Kim at our Holiday Playdate on December 13th.

You can also participate in our virtual diaper drive, by clicking through to one of our partner’ wishlists to purchase and ship diapers directly to them. We’ve recently partnered with a number of diaper banks from around the country (AZ, CT, FL, OK, WA).

If you are not in an area we are in – why not donate diapers at your local diaper bank or food bank. The diapers will end up in the hands of a mother who really needs them.

Anyone can host a diaper drive using our free diaper drive toolkit. We know of one mom who is inviting all her girlfriends over to celebrate the holidays with an onsite massage therapist – the entrance fee is a pack of diapers. Another couple asked all their friends to chip in “diaper dollars,” which they will match 50 cents for every dollar.

The small action of donating diapers can make such a big impact. It means a woman fleeing domestic violence can focus on the bigger issues. It means a struggling family can receive emergency diapers when they are in between paychecks. It means a baby can go to sleep at night with a clean diaper.

By remembering to donate diapers, we’re helping to keep young children healthy and safe. Thank you all for participating in this campaign.  We wish you all a wonderful and safe holiday season.