Mother’s Day Call to Action — Help a Mother Out

Mother’s Day Call to Action

Update 5/31/12: Thank you to everyone who joined our Mother’s Day campaign! Together with online donors and supporters who attended our 2nd Annual Benefit Tea, we reached our campaign goal. We are incredibly grateful to all of you who donated funds, hosted a fundraiser or diaper drive, or donated diapers through our wishlist or in person. We could not have done this without you and your community support never ceases to amaze us. From the bottom of our hearts, we are deeply thankful to each of you.

Mother’s Day 2012 may be over, but our work throughout the year continues! Our grassroots organization ALWAYS is in need help with fundraisers, drives, and other kinds of support. So please don’t be a stranger to us! Learn how to get involved and check back soon for fresh content!

~ Gratefully,

The HAMO Crew

Babies need diapers. Help a Mother Out This Mother’s Day – Sunday, May 13.

Our goal for the 2012 Mother’s Day Campaign is to raise $30,000 in online donations in order to accelerate our impact. We need your help during April and May. Take action and support the campaign for diapers:

Can you imagine not having enough diapers for your baby?  Did you know that diapers are not covered under safety net programs like food stamps or WIC, and that one in three families in the U.S. struggle to buy diapers for their children? For many families in crisis this can mean being forced to choose between buying diapers or other basic needs like shelter, food, and medicine. Learn about diaper need >

Imagine if instead of Mother’s Day brunch, flowers, and presents, you asked your family and friends to join you to help other mothers who are not so fortunate. What if you pledged to give up the gifts and started a fundraiser to address diaper need instead? Or, simply donate make a gift in honor of a mom you love?

Help a Mother Out, is working to help improve the lives of mothers, children, and families, one diaper at a time. With your help, we are striving to raise $30,000 during this campaign. This will support our program to raise awareness about diaper need and change national policies. It will allow us to continue distributing diapers to our 22 partner agencies. We’ve nearly reached one million diapers. Please help us surpass one million and be part of our 2012 Mother’s Day Campaign to end the need for diapers.
