Recently, we received a note from Karen, just one of the moms who have been helped by you:
“My daughter and I have received diapers from Help a Mother Out and I am very thankful. A lot of people don’t understand how bad I feel when I don’t have enough money to buy a bag of diapers. There is a lot of shame that comes with the guilty feeling of not having $10 to buy the cheapest diapers. My family and I have been going through some really bad times. Even when I do buy diapers they are not for sensitive skin and I deal with my daughter’s rashes and end up having to take her to the doctor. Her rashes are so intense that she does not let me wipe her. I want to be able to provide for my daughter. I am grateful that you provide diapers for babies with sensitive skin.” ~ Karen, mom to 8 month old baby girl
It’s important you know just how much your impact has been for moms like Karen this past year. Thank you for your investment in our families.