Lisa Truong
Lisa is a social entrepreneur with 20 years of experience in the non-profit sector. She has been working across sectors to build public and private partnerships to address diaper need since 2009. Under Lisa’s leadership, Help a Mother Out (“HAMO”) has grown from a grassroots, volunteer-run kitchen table idea to a nationally-recognized, policy-influencing organization with an annual operating budget of $3 million. During her tenure, HAMO established (2015) and operates the nation’s first publicly funded diaper program, the San Francisco Diaper Bank, in partnership with the City and County of San Francisco. Prior to her work with HAMO, she held roles at Tides Foundation, among other nonprofits. Lisa grew up in the Bay Area and is a first-generation college graduate. She received her B.A. from the University of California, at Berkeley. She currently lives in Oakland with her two boys. In her spare time, you'll likely find her taking a dance class or hiking in the redwoods.