Our Mission

Help a Mother Out® works to improve baby and family well being by increasing access to diapers for families in need.

A family’s access to a reliable supply of clean diapers reduces the risk of infectious disease outbreaks, improves baby’s health and comfort, and enables baby’s participation in early care and education programs. Our vision is a day when every baby has a healthy supply of diapers.

Why diapers matter.

Diapers cost between $90 and $135 per month. That’s $4,050 to diaper one child with regular changes until potty training–a huge expense for the over 5 million low-income families with young children living in the U.S. today.

Public assistance programs like food stamps don’t cover diapers.  Diapers give mothers and babies a chance.


Health & well-Being

If a family can’t afford diapers, a baby may spend extended periods of time in a soiled or even re-used diaper.  This can lead to serious health problems for baby and disease outbreaks for entire communities.

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Access to Education

A supply of clean diapers is required to attend most childcare programs. So without diapers, toddlers don’t get a fair start in their education.



When toddlers can’t go to childcare programs, adults remain under-employed. Something so basic as a diaper can actually have a big impact on a family’s ability to become financially self-sufficient.

You can help.

We’re on a mission to ensure that every baby has a healthy supply of diapers.
So far, we’ve provided over 71 million diapers to babies and families in need. 

We can do more together.